Registration for the 2025 FIABCI-USA Grand Prix of Real Estate is now open! The deadline to enter is December 1, 2025. If you’re ready to submit your real estate project for consideration, use the button below to download a PDF of the registration form. The success of any entry will be based in large part on the entrant’s ability to provide a complete application that expresses the special qualities of the project, how it embodies excellence in several real estate disciplines, and how it contributes to society.
The Grand Prix of Real Estate is committed to seeking out the most impactful and/or influential real estate projects in the United States. A panel of expert judges will rate the projects on specific criteria and those achieving exemplary status will be recognized with an award. The awards ceremony and gala will coincide with one of our FIABCI-USA conferences, which are always well attended by our national membership, international dignitaries, and notable guests from within both the commercial and residential sectors of the real estate industry.
Exemplary projects will also be invited to advance on to an international round of competition, the FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence ( For this reason, it is important that the USA Chapter mirrors the Prix d’Excellence in the entry categories and judging criteria used in the Grand Prix, giving particular emphasis to environmentally sound and sustainable development.
Winners will receive national exposure, including a detailed presentation of the project at the awards ceremony, placement on the Grand Prix website, and announcements in numerous real estate media outlets throughout the next year.